What People Are Saying.

"I started working with Rachel back in July of 2019 to improve my overall strength and health. As a photographer and hiker, I wanted to increase my upper body strength to alleviate pain while working and also improve my endurance. I had NEVER touched a weight in the gym (let alone considered using barbells!!), and my past workouts had consisted only of yoga and running. Rachel was able to teach me to feel comfortable in a weight gym and help me build strength over time. 

A few months into working with Rachel, she also helped coach me on developing healthier lifestyle habits. I switched from a wine + cheese every night diet to an 80/20 paleo/whole foods based diet. I am now more aware of my choices and 8 months later, I have lost nearly 4 pants sizes. Since beginning training with Rachel back a year ago I strength train 4-6 times a week (I now look forward to the gym & love using barbells!), am hiking at my personal best pace, have had to buy a completely new wardrobe and feel the healthiest I have in years. Rachel is a very talented teacher and motivator for anyone looking to get into strength training and develop a healthier lifestyle!" 

— Lauren S.


“I’ve been training with Rachel for years. She’s not only an amazing human being, but also extremely knowledgable and hard working. She motivates me to be my absolute best. With Rachel’s help, I’ve increased my confidence and achieved a level of fitness I didn’t know was possible.”

— Kristin C.


"Warm & welcoming, wise & knowledgeable beyond her years, Rachel is the best strength trainer I've had!  She varies the work-out each week, always coming up with a new combination of exercises to prevent the routine of strength training from going stale.  She remembers what areas I need to focus on, and makes me do what's good for me.  Her energy level & lean, fit physique show she practices what she preaches, and I can ask her all sorts of questions, not just about exercise, but even diet!  She's acquired a lot of knowledge about staying strong & healthy!”

— Francie M.


I’m 62 years old and have avoided exercise and physical activity my entire adult life. I have osteoporosis and based on a recommendation from my physical therapist, I started working out with Rachel almost 1.5 years ago. It started with my husband, his sister, our 28 year-old daughter, and me. Later, our nephew’s wife and our daughter’s boyfriend joined us. Now our younger daughter wants in as well. It’s a fun group and being able to exercise together has been a huge benefit for all of us. 

Rachel puts together workouts we can do together, modifying exercises to fit our specific needs and goals. I wouldn’t have thought this was possible with such a wide range of ages and athletic abilities but Rachel creates workouts that are safe and challenging for everyone. I now understand why my physical therapist gave her such a glowing recommendation. Because Rachel’s so knowledgeable, I have complete confidence she’ll continue to help every one of us get stronger while keeping us safe from strains/injuries. 

We’re grateful that Rachel is willing to go the extra mile to put together workouts for such a diverse group as ours. When we couldn’t go to the gym due to the coronavirus, we asked if she could put together virtual workouts and Rachel made that happen as well.

Rachel is a gifted trainer who has her clients’ best interests at heart. She works hard to help us live healthier lives, keeps us motivated and feeling good about the work we’re doing. Besides all the above, Rachel is empathetic, a great listener/communicator and patient – all the qualities that has kept me coming back way longer than I ever imagined I would. And last, but not least, Rachel is an absolute pleasure to be around. My family and I recommend her highly. 

— Stephanie F.

“Rachel is the type of trainer who knows you better than you know yourself. She knows when to push you, exactly how to motivate you, and how to expertly work towards your fitness goals. All while making our sessions feel more like fun than work. She's the highlight of my week, and I absolutely love working out with her. I cannot recommend Rachel enough, and have even managed to get my boyfriend, sister, and parents working out with her. We all agree that she's the best in the biz.”

— Heather M.


“My husband and I have been training with Rachel for several years and she is amazing! Her approach to strength training has really changed how I think about working out and what my body needs to stay fit. I've gotten so much stronger and more confident lifting heaver since I started working with her. I'm also consistently impressed with her level of dedication to her clients and how in tune she is with our individual needs in class, whether it be injury or just goal-related. I don't know what I would do without her! I would highly recommend her to anyone just starting out or looking to supercharge their fitness routine. She is an all-around rockstar.”

— Lindsey R.


“Rachel has pushed me in the gym to do more than I thought was possible, whether it's adding more weight or increasing reps, she constantly challenges me to go farther and push harder. I never enjoyed working out until I saw results after working out with Rachel for only a few months. She knows when to change up our routine or add new workouts to the mix so training is never the same and thus never gets boring - just harder (in the best of ways). When training with Rachel, it is easy to see how passionate she is about all of her clients and helping them to achieve their fitness goals while listening to them whine all the way. She is committed to getting the best results while supporting any challenges you have.”

— Jeff H.


“In 2018 my trainer was leaving to move and work internationally and I wanted and needed a new trainer. My brother had a trainer that he was really impressed with and helped him reach many weight and strengthening goals so I decided to meet with her: This is how my journey began with Rachel. 

I came to Rachel with some physical challenges for her. I have had two foot surgeries a hip replacement and to top it off in six months I was to have shoulder (rotator cuff) surgery! 

I can’t even begin to tell you how impressed I am and was with her knowledge and how she was able to move and challenge me with the workouts. In the first few months with her guidance I lost a total of 17 YES 17 inches and more important I was strengthening the muscles I would need after surgery! This was her training and knowledge and my discipline doing her recommended exercises between our training  sessions.

Today I am again able to do weight training going slowly to avoid injuries. Would I recommend her? Absolutely! Rachel has helped me meet various goals that I have set for myself and has also taught me when to push myself and more important when to slow down.”

— Connie O.

“The myth that women shouldn’t lift heavy is only perpetuated by women who fear work and men who fear strong women.”

— Unknown